spirit life community

The body of Christ is a spiritual community

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Pentecost 36 ~ The Holy Spirit

Let all things be done for edification

Sprit Life Community (SLC) is a sister site to The More Sure Word (TMSW). Much of the content appears on both sites, and both are administered by the same person. However, Spirit Life Community differs from The More Sure Word in its main purpose. My primary reason for launching TMSW was to present material from a Bible study on the subject of Biblical Blood Covenant. Thus, the Bible Training Center was created. Among the seventy some articles are a range of subjects from Bible fundamentals to the righteous judgment of God. Read the articles from first to last and you will have completed an in-depth study of Biblical Blood Covenant. This is a subject every follower of Jesus Christ should be thoroughly versed in because it is the foundation for the entire Bible and therefore of our very faith. Other features such as Seminars & Sermons and the Free eBook Store were added later.

The mission of Sprit Life Community is to attempt to provide Solid Food For A Spiritual Journey. The body of Christ is a spiritual organism not a physical institution such as the Church. However, the body of Christ is made up of individuals with spiritual beings housed in earthen vessels, and who, out of necessity, function in the physical world. And just as their physical bodies must be fed in order to survive, so must their spiritual being. And spiritual beings require spiritual food. However, that food must be presented physically as either written or spoken words. Providing such food is the goal of Spirit Life Community.

That this is a lofty goal I am well aware, and I recognize that I am ill equipped for such a great undertaking. There are two ways this goal can be achieved. First and foremost, a lot of help from the Lord will be required if I am to present meaningful and useful information. The second element that will greatly enhance the prospect of achieving SLC’s goal is one that cannot be overstated.

                               The body of Christ is a spiritual community.

A community is a body of people in relationship with each other. They interact with each other by expressing ideas, resolving issues and developing the pillars on which their communal life will be supported. Their interactivity is a fundamental ingredient for their success. The body of Christ thrives on each member sharing their Holy Spirit revelations with the body. Paul said it this way: “What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” (1 Corinthians 14:26)

My understanding of the body of Christ is that every member of a fellowship who has something to contribute has the opportunity to do so. It is my desire to build Spirit Life Community into a platform for members of the body of Christ to contribute to the edification (the building up) of the body.

In order for believers to live and function in a Holy Spirit led community that exists in the physical world, an awareness of the body’s relationship to the Church (by this I mean the universal Church) is necessary. If you think I just said that the body of Christ and the Church are different entities, you are correct. You may think that is a radical idea, I know I did. But the more I studied the Bible, and the more I accepted the written word of God to be completely true, and the more I shed my own false understanding, the more I accepted the truth that the Church cannot be the body of Christ. Support for that belief is laid out in my two books, One Heart and Born In Sin. The Church and the body of Christ differ in very fundamental ways. This is how I presented some of these differences in One Heart:

Where the Church constructs buildings, the body of Christ is being built into a structure made up of living stones that are bound together, not by mortar but by the spiritual bonds of an eternal covenant.

  • Where the Church constructs buildings, the body of Christ is being built into a structure made up of living stones that are bound together, not by mortar but by the spiritual bonds of an eternal covenant.
  • Where the Church employs pastors to conduct ritualistic baptisms in water, members of the body of Christ are baptized by Jesus by immersion in the Holy Spirit.
  • Where the Church builds organizations with hierarchy upon hierarchy, those in the body of Christ are content for all to be united under the headship and Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • Where the Church gathers around conflicting doctrines and is led by a multitude of Rules, Regulations, Rituals and Traditions, the body of Christ gathers around the Word of God and is led into UNITY by the abiding Holy Spirit.
  • Where the Church develops programs for ministry, the body of Christ ministers to a lost world in, by and through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • Where the Church sets up leaders to rule over God’s heritage, the body of Christ follows Him who leads through an ever abiding Spirit.
  • Where the Church sets up leaders to interpret the word of God, the body of Christ receives spiritual revelation, instruction and wisdom from God’s Word and by means of revelations from the Holy Spirit.
  • Where the Church demeans, ridicules and persecutes those who do not agree with their multitude of doctrines, the body of Christ sees the world’s disagreement as an opportunity to extend the love of Christ.

The body of Christ is a totally unique entity. It is better described as an organism. As such, it doesn’t function like a worldly institution and the world does not, no, cannot, recognize it. Living and functioning successfully in a spiritual environment is an enormous challenge. Unfortunately most body-of-Christ assemblies do not endure because they are not grounded in a solid understanding of the true nature of their fellowship. It is my sincere belief that this shortcoming can be greatly alleviated by the individual members of the body sharing their heart with the others in the body. Thanks to the internet, we now have the unique opportunity to share that which the Lord has shown us with other believers around the world.


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